We are known as ‘the friendly choir’ and we enjoyed our return in 2022, following the enforced absence due to the pandemic. The new “term” starts this coming Monday with rehearsals being held in Willingdon Community School hall starting at 7:15pm. Never wanting to miss an opportunity to welcome new members, we are hoping to attract even more singers this year, particularly in the lower voice ranges of tenor, baritone and bass, but all are welcome. As we cover all genres of music, from barbershop to opera, pop and rock to musicals, our programmes usually have a bit of something for everyone.
Do you have a yearning to do something new this year? Perhaps you know of someone who can sing but is a bit shy on their own? If the need to exercise more is on your list of New Year’s resolutions, why not go along and see whether Concentus satisfies that burning desire to exercise your vocal chords?! You can either just turn up on a Monday night or call Claire - 07920430162, or Sue – 07789343514.
For more information about us and what we do, please visit eastbournechoir.com or seafordchoir.com or email info@concentus-sings.com. We look forward to welcoming you into the Concentus family!