New choir term brings new and exciting opportunities!

Concentus are back from the Christmas break and this new year brings a whole new approach to the Summer programme. But, before we get to that point in the year, there are some very exciting things to look forward to - for example, the Hastings Music Festival, Singing with Aled Jones - YES REALLY!…

This years’s Summer concert will be a bit different to our usual format in that, for the first time ever, we are sharing our performance by combining with Lewes, Glynde and Beddingham Brass under the direction of bandmaster Ian Stewart.

LGBB are a contest/competition band who play to a very high standard and from which they have gained many successes at both regional and national level. We consider this quite an honour for us to have the chance of performing with them…..and hopefully for them with us as we believe we are the largest singing group they have ever performed with! Please have a look at their website:

As always we look forward to welcoming new members to our happy band of singers. This year is going to be phenomenal!